Megadyne Group Acquisition Announcement

Megadyne Group Acquisition Announcement

Acquisition announcement

Megadyne Group, the world leader in power transmission belts and conveyor belts, has recently completed the acquisition of the Spanish company PERHAR DISTRIBUCIONES, S.A.U, active in the sale of modular belts and conveyor belts business with two important distribution and product processing centres in Valencia and Madrid.

This additional strengthening of the distribution platform represents a considerable competitive advantage for Megadyne to consolidate its position in the material handling and conveying systems and into the power transmission sectors.

Megadyne has a very strong presence in Europe, America, Asia, and Africa, with 16 production plants, more than 50 sales branches and 2,300 people that work for the Group.

Megadyne is continuing its strategic development plan aimed at expanding its product range and opening up to new geographic markets both through strong organic growth and large acquisitions with significant industrial and sales synergies.

The Chief Executive Officer
Giorgio Tadolini

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